6 TOP Mistakes that people make when studying for PADI IDC Exams
The Five
The SIX most common mistakes people make
when studying for their PADI IDC Exams.
Mistake No 1.
Learning the WRONG stuff!
The wrong stuff?
REALLY? - How??
Learning the wrong stuff is probably the MOST common mistake of all
Think about it!
All the advice you’ll get:
“You need to brush up on your dive theory and PADI standards”
“Great” you say.
“I’ll get on that right away”
How do you know WHAT subjects to learn?
Just do a quick search on the internet!
The search results are ENDLESS!!

You can easily fill your head with LOADS of:
- Outdated
- Irrelevant
- Inappropriate
- Unnecessary
- Mind Boggling
Solution: My PADI IDC Preparation Course
Whilst I don’t agree to:
“Teaching to the exam”
I DO think that it’s important to stick to the syllabus
The PADI IDC preparation course contains ALL knowledge necessary for the exams
You won’t need any other books, online help or manuals to study
If you’re able to understand the subjects well enough to easily pass the exams, you’re very well prepared to be a modern instructor
Mistake No 2.
Learning in the WRONG order!
The wrong order?
REALLY? - How??
Learning topics in the wrong order makes understanding unnecessarily difficult
Think about it!
Imagine trying to learn algebra if you didn’t know how to do multiplication or division
Imagine trying to learn how to lift an object off the seabed if you didn’t know how to calculate volume
How do you know WHAT subjects to learn before others?
You can easily confuse your head trying to understand subjects before knowing the building blocks
Solution: My PADI IDC Preparation Course
All subjects are in the right order
Once you’ve grasped one topic, you can easily move onto the next
It’s surprising how quickly you can understand even the most difficult subjects
Mistake No 3.
Don't check understanding before moving on!
Check understanding?
REALLY? - How??
When learning stuff, we often grasp the “wrong end of the stick”
Think about it!
Think back to a time when you THOUGHT you understood a subject, but was mistaken
Remember how confusing that was when you tried to apply that knowledge?
Trouble is, when you THINK that you understand the topic, you don’t know if you really do, or if you don’t
Solution: My PADI IDC Preparation Course
Every topic is followed by a Quick Quiz
You can easily just check your understanding
Each Quick Quiz covers the important parts of the previous lesson
You can easily go back and refresh your knowledge if you need
IN ADDITION the course has FIVE MOCK EXAMS that cover all theory subjects
Each exam is a replica in format and content to the exams you’ll find on your Final PADI IE
Mistake No 4.
Trying to LEARN PADI Standards
But…. but…. we have to do a Standards Exam don’t we?
How do I prepare for the PADI Standards Exam?
You DON’T need to learn PADI standards
Think about it!
Why do we have a PADI instructor manual?
All PADI standards exams are “Open Book”
That means that you can use the manual to look up the answers
Problem is: You need to know your way around the PADI instructor manual
You can use the search function on your device, but you still need lots of practice
The more you know about standards, and the manual, the more efficient you’ll be at passing exams AND more efficient you’ll be as a PADI Instructor
Solution: My PADI IDC Preparation Course
The PADI IDC Preparation Course has FIVE mock standards exams
Each exam has 50 questions – just like the standards exams on your final PADI IE
You can check your answers
EVERY answer points to the page in your current instructor manual where you’ll find the material
This gives you plenty of practice!
Mistake No 5.
Using an OLD Manual
Really? An OLD instructor manual?
Yes! You'll be surprised!
You’ll be surprised how many people use last year’s manual
Or the year’s before
Or even the year’s before that!
If you’re going to be a modern PADI Instructor
Please download the current PADI instructor manual from their website
Solution: My PADI IDC Preparation Course
OK, it’s not a solution to not having the current PADI instructor manual
But the standards section, including all page numbers are from this year’s manual
EVERY answer points to the page in your current instructor manual where you’ll find the material
Mistake No 6.
Learning in the SAME OLD way
That doesn’t work for you
REALLY? - How??
When learning PADI stuff, have you noticed that it’s ALWAYS presented in a similar way?
Think about it!
Did you read the Divemaster manual?
Did you read the Open Water manual?
Did you look in the Diving Knowledge Workbook?
Did you look in the Encylcopedia?
Did you look at random internet sites?
Did you buy the PADI theory program?
Did you notice anything in common?
Did you notice that they all follow the SAME process?
It’s like there’s a PADI way of putting the information across
So, if you didn’t understand it the first time around, you’re not going to understand it no matter how often you see it presented again in the same way
Solution: My PADI IDC Preparation Course
There is NO POINT in trying to teach you in a way that we already know doesn’t work for you
The subjects are presented in a unique and simple way
Easy to understand and DIFFERENT to the usual ways
You’ll be able to teach the subjects using the same methods
Hundreds of past IDC candidates have found the program refreshing
Relieve the stress!
What people say about the online courses
- “Brilliant, logical and ultimately will encourage more people to continue their journey. All too often confined sessions are unfortunately more about the instructor than the student. Thank you.”
- “You won’t regret it at all, Prior Knowledge helps take a lot of the dark confusion away and makes the complicated, simple and enjoyable. Enjoy it and good luck.”
- “The BEST physics prep you can get.”
- “love the way you teach
- “Honestly, just do it ,it’s the best preparation you can have.”
- “Just finishing taking my staff instructor, you are inspired me even more that I am already, I didn’t think it was possible, great videos, I will use them and watch them all, such useful videos, again I am inspired, thanks so much, so useful :)”
Meet Steve Prior

Steve Prior
Steve became a PADI Course Director back in October 2000.
Over the years he developed many techniques that helped people pass PADI Dive Theory and PADI Standards exams.
For example, his YouTube channel has over 5000 subscribers and over 450,000 views. And his Distance Learning program and online course helps people from all over the world become confident with PADI exams.
Coaching Academy
In addition to teaching PADI Dive Theory and Standards, Steve has developed a Coaching Academy for PADI professionals, which focuses on natural ways for people to learn and to teach.
Platinum Award
He has taught over 5500 PADI certifications and reached the prestigious “Platinum Status” for 12 consecutive years. You’ll see on the videos, he is just as passionate now as he ever was.