Online Courses
Prior Knowledge
Our Best Sellers
Complete IDC Preparation
- PADI Dive Theory
- PADI Standards
- Mock Exams
- Teaching in Confined water
- Short video here
More info here: Complete Prep Course
Or buy here:
PADI IDC Mock Exams
- PADI IE 2024 Mock Exams
- 5 FULL Sets
- Theory and Standards
- Questions and Answers
- 550 current questions
More information here: PADI Mock IE Exams
Or buy here:
PADI IDC Theory online
- Physics
- Physiology
- Diving Skills
Equipment - Videos and lessons
More information here: Dive Theory
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More Online Courses
PADI IDC Confined Water teaching
- How people learn
- Dive Briefings
- Demonstrations
- Debriefings
- Positive Coaching
More info here: Teaching in Confined Water
Or buy here:
Distance Learning
- Just YOU and ME
- Working through Mock Exams
- Theory and Standards
- Working on your Strengths and Weaknesses
More information here: Distance Learning
Or buy here:
Octopus Hats
- Practical and chic
- conversation starter
- Inspired by nature
- Outdoor fun
- Premium yarn
More information here: Octopus Hats
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Relieve the stress!
What people say about the online courses
- “Brilliant, logical and ultimately will encourage more people to continue their journey. All too often confined sessions are unfortunately more about the instructor than the student. Thank you.”
- “You won’t regret it at all, Prior Knowledge helps take a lot of the dark confusion away and makes the complicated, simple and enjoyable. Enjoy it and good luck.”
- “The BEST physics prep you can get.”
- “love the way you teach
- “Honestly, just do it ,it’s the best preparation you can have.”
- “Just finishing taking my staff instructor, you are inspired me even more that I am already, I didn’t think it was possible, great videos, I will use them and watch them all, such useful videos, again I am inspired, thanks so much, so useful :)”
Prior Knowledge - Be Prepared
So, make sure that you’re ready for your PADI Instructor Training.
Being prepared for an upcoming course is a lot like packing for a trip. Just as you wouldn’t want to show up at the airport without your passport, you don’t want to start a class without the proper supplies and knowledge.
Before embarking on your academic journey, be sure to do your research and come prepared.
If you want to improve your chances of remembering what you learn, make sure to brush up on your prior knowledge before you start learning something new.
Also find out what materials you’ll need and make sure you have them.
Read up on the subject so you have a basic understanding of what will be covered.
And most importantly, don’t forget your sense of adventure! By approaching your studies with excitement and curiosity, you’ll be sure to get the most out of your experience.
Tips on what you'll need for your PADI IDC
PADI Materials
You’ll need to buy the 2024 version of the PADI IDC Crew Pack.
You can buy this from any PADI 5 star IDC Centre.
It includes a lot of online preparation that you need to complete before the start of your course.
Dive Theory
PADI’s optional Dive Theory online program is available.
If you complete the program it’s possible that you can get credit towards the theory section of your PADI IDC.
CAUTION!! You’ll still have to sit your theory and standards on your PADI Instructor Exam.
So it’s really important that you’re fully up to speed in this area.
You’ll need to have a medical certificate signed by a physician within the last 12 months stating that you’re fit to dive without any restrictions.
CPR and First Aid Training
You’ll need to have completed an EFR primary and secondary course within the past 24 months.
Emergency First Aid Instructor
To be in teaching status as a PADI Instructor, you’ll need to be an EFR Instructor. However, you can achieve this during your instructor training.

Meet Steve Prior

Steve Prior
Steve became a PADI Course Director back in October 2000.
Over the years he developed many techniques that helped people pass PADI Dive Theory and PADI Standards exams.
For example, his YouTube channel has over 5000 subscribers and over 450,000 views. And his Distance Learning program and online course helps people from all over the world become confident with PADI exams.
Coaching Academy
In addition to teaching PADI Dive Theory and Standards, Steve has developed a Coaching Academy for PADI professionals, which focuses on natural ways for people to learn and to teach.
Platinum Award
He has taught over 5500 PADI certifications and reached the prestigious “Platinum Status” for 12 consecutive years. You’ll see on the videos, he is just as passionate now as he ever was.