PADI IDC Theory - Physiology
Test yourself with these questions
PADI IDC Theory: Physiology
In this section we’ll go through two of the main areas of a PADI IDC exam.
These two topics cover a huge volume of questions on most exams.
I’ll start the sections with some tips, then a video.
Then there will be some typical PADI Exam type questions for you to test yourself.
Good luck!
PADI IDC Revision - Physiology - Decompression Illness
The Basics
Decompression Illness is a blanket term for both Decompression Sickness and Lung overexpansion injury.
What it is
Decompression illness covers a wide range of troubles. Like gas in the bloodstream – nitrogen in the case of decompression sickness – or air (or breathing gas) in the case of an embolism.
It also covers various burst lung injuries.
However, regardless of the cause, symtoms tend to be similar, and first aid treatment is the same for all. Oxygen, and medical assistance.
PADI IDC DCI Exam Questions
See how you get on with these mock exam questions.
Administering oxygen is an appropriate first-aid treatment for lung overexpansion injuries because it______
maximises the effectiveness of the blood that reaches the affected tissues.
Signs and symptoms of DSC and lung overexpansion injuries are______
Often the same
After a dive,_____ may be present in a diver’s circulation system, yet the diver many not display any symptoms of decompression illness
silent bubbles
The symptoms of decompression sickness tend to appear _____ while the symptoms of lung overexpansion injuries tend to appear_______
More Slowly / Immediately after the dive
PADI IDC Mock Exam papers
PLUS, you'll find lots of free videos to help.
PADI IDC Theory - Physiology - Respiration
OK, Let’s now move on to Physiology.
There are loads of questions on PADI exams about respiration. Mainly about oxygen and carbon dioxide. See how you get on.
So if you can crack these, you’re well on your way to getting a good score on your final exam.
The Basics
Breathing is really about two gasses. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.
Of course Oxygen is important for life, and carbon dioxide is the waste product of metabolism. Keeping an eye out for carbon dioxide build up in student diver’s lungs is of utmost importance to a PADI instructor
This might help.
Overexertion, shallow breathing, hyperventilation and panic can all cause a diver to build up carbon dioxide in their lungs.
We all know how uncomfortable that is. The way that it causes a slight panic and a feeling that we aren’t getting enough air.
There are plenty of questions about this on PADI exams.
In the real world it’s important that divers breathe correctly to make sure that carbon dioxide is expelled.
PADI IDC Exam Respiration Questions
To reduce the effects of dead-air space, gas density and turbulence, you should always______
Breathe deeply and slowly while diving
The danger of a diver breathing pure oxygen underwater is that______
Breathing pure oxygen under pressure can be toxic, even at shallow depths
Hard work, overexertion and improper breathing may primarily increase the level ______ in the body,, contributing to gas narcosis on deeper dives
Carbon dioxide
What are the two gasses most important to your metabolic processes?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
Questions on other subjects
Here is a lot more help with PADI IDC Dive Theory
Don’t worry if you got a bit confused with these questions. There’s a lot more information explained simply in this video from the Online PADI IDC Theory Preparation Course.
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Revise more than physiology theory for your PADI IDC
Of course, PADI IDC Exams have questions about so many more subjects than DCI or Respiration.
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Last modified: 11th August 2024
Author: Steve Prior
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