What people are saying about the online courses
Some comments about the online tuition
- “Worth every penny. The Mock Exams helped me massively when I signed up to do my IDC.”
- Hey Steve Prior ! I’m here to thank you for the amazing explanations you provide via YouTube and your IDC prep course. I am finishing it at this moment , you do a great job !
- “Helped me pass my IDC back in 2017”
- “I may have changed agency, but I still implement methods I learned from you that are beyond successful!”
- “I did my IDC with Steve Prior. You will be in safe hand one of the best Courses Directors I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.”
- “You won’t regret it at all, Prior Knowledge helps take a lot of the dark confusion away and makes the complicated, simple and enjoyable. Enjoy it and good luck.”
- “Thanks so much, your video help me alot as im really nervous having exam in the next couple of days. Its been 6 years ago since my last time learning erdpml. Your video bring back my confidence, thanks”
- “Omg! Mind blown yet again! Where have you been all my life
thank you so much Steve You explain this stuff so well”
- “Not all heroes wear capes thank you so much”
- “Brilliant, logical and ultimately will encourage more people to continue their journey. All too often confined sessions are unfortunately more about the instructor than the student. Thank you.”
- “Thanks Steve. Just finished AI, these lessons are really helping. Just about to start full instructor.”
- “Hi Steve, great tutorial about regs!!! Very informative, a lot better than just reading the encyclopedia.”
- “You are a star Steve! You totally rock !!!”
- “Thank you! Not in PADI, but cmas. This video helped me understand a lot more, you describe everything in a slow and comprehensive way
- “love the way you teach
- “Thanks Steve Think i may have over studied this, having just watched your video. By the way all your videos have been really helpful.”
- “I am doing my IDC in bonaire starting tomorrow and I wanted to say thank you because I have studied well but your videos made it clearer and I feel ready!”
- “Hi Steve, great videos! Before completing my dive master’s last week I watched all of the videos you’ve posted back to back, really beneficial!! Hope to one day do my IE”
- “I am an Instructor for many years,now that I’m back home i find your videos extremely helpful to stay up to date,so thank you for sharing.”
- “Your lesson on demonstration lesson made a lot of sense and that I was surprised to see what you would consider a grade 5 on the DM course skills circuit. i find your videos interesting and I have load of useful tips am close the the end of my DM course and feel i will do better in what i have left to do thank you”
- “Fantastic presentation, a much more human approach to instruction and demonstration”
- “This man is AMAZING! I’ve learned far more just watching these videos than I’ve learned sitting in class prepping for my IE Thank you So much!”
- “Steve you rock . Thanks a bunch mate.”
- “wooooo!!!! i passed standards with 90% and theory 95% im soo happy!!!!! the videos were really helpful since Im a visual learner, thanks steve!”
- “Worth every penny. These Mock Exams helped me massively when I signed up to do my IDC”
- “Can’t recommend Steve Prior enough he got myself and a colleague trhought the exams based on his course information and exams.”
- “Honestly, just do it ,it’s the best preparation you can have.”
- “Even though I was well prepped for my IDC, Steve Prior course helped to fine tune my theory. The mock exams are great and his methodology on explaining the various theory sections of diving are just great. Keep it up steve.”
- “The BEST physics prep you can get.”
- “I did my IDC and IE back in May 2018 and am still so grateful to you and the team.”
- “I did my IDC last February and found it easier to study Steve Prior course before I did the PADI e-learning.
I found the videos and quizzes explained things simply and I understood all sections before I moved into my e-learning.
Another tip…..I watched Steve’s videos twice….once to absorb and once to make notes.”
- “Thanks for this Steve! Best and most clear demo for ERDPML I’ve ever seen. Before I watched this video I think I’d probably have avoided it forever!”
- “I was already an experienced instructor when I bought the material from Steve, mainly for the water based sections and how to do skills. Was a nice refresher and update in my teaching methods (for academics as well). So yes even as an instructor or up this is a great resource for improving your own knowledge and change the way you teach.”
- “Steve changed the whole way I learn… Teaching was just a bonus :)”
- “Love your style as always. easy listening, pragmatic and always helpful”
- “You have a gift in the way you help people to stop overthinking. Excellent instructions!”
- “I am very enjoy watching and observed as many good way of teaching. People learns when they’re ready to learns. Giving those people who having a difficulty it’s exactly what We need to find the way to explain and finding an easy way would be really helpful things… Thank you CD Steve prior”
- “I would like to say thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in a simple and easy way. it helped me alot on my study”
- “you are such a good teacher. Your videos are so patient and explaining everything so much better than any paper could ever do”
- “Hi Steve, you certainly don’t know me but you have no idea how much you helped me out on both my dive master and IDC. I watched your videos over and over…. you helped me “get it”! Thanks Steve from Montreal, Canada.”
- “Your vids have been an inspiration to me for several years! I want to teach on this level!”
- “Just finishing taking my staff instructor, you are inspired me even more that I am already, I didn’t think it was possible, great videos, I will use them and watch them all, such useful videos, again I am inspired, thanks so much, so useful :)”
- “hi Steve just to update i just passed my DM exam 2 thanks to the use of some of your videos and the questions i did get wrong was my own fault losing my place on my exam paper don’t ask hehe many thanks”
- “Wonderful! I am about to take an IDC in February and getting a bit stressed as I do not have much (it is almost null in fact) practical experience as a DM (and experience is so much what matters I know :((( – BUT, this video helped me. Now I understand why I always try to teach my boyfriend what I have just read & learnt – pass the knowledge over to smb else – the great T! Thank you Steve for these tips!”
- “Steve, thank you. You are truly a gifted teacher. God bless”
- “Steve I love how easy you make PADI theory, even now I am an MSDT I love to watch your videos to keep my knowledge up to date and is helping me during my Staff instructor preparation, I wanted to do my IDC with you but unfortunately I was short on money and you were in Egypt at the time when I was looking to do it. Just want to say thank you for your dedication to the industry and I would recommend you to any student I have if they are in your area. Hope to meet you one day! Happy diving and take care!”
- “One of the best CD’s around always enjoy seeing how Steve teaches. A great way to start your pro career”
Online Courses
See All Online Courses in Detail
Last modified: 21st August 2024
Author: Steve Prior
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