IDC Theory and Standards Preparation Course

Online Course

Are you confident to pass your PADI IDC and IE exams?

Introduction video

Take a look at this short video.

You’ll see the layout of the course, and you can get to meet me!


Hopefully you’ll allow me to guide you through your PADI IDC theory and standards preparation.

EVERY year the course is updated.

What people say about the online courses

  • “Just finishing taking my staff instructor, you are inspired me even more that I am already, I didn’t think it was possible, great videos, I will use them and watch them all, such useful videos, again I am inspired, thanks so much, so useful :)”
  • “you are such a good teacher. Your videos are so patient and explaining everything so much better than any paper could ever do”
  • “The BEST physics prep you can get.”
  • “Steve I love how easy you make PADI theory, even now I am an MSDT I love to watch your videos to keep my knowledge up to date and is helping me during my Staff instructor preparation, I wanted to do my IDC with you but unfortunately I was short on money and you were in Egypt at the time when I was looking to do it. Just want to say thank you for your dedication to the industry and I would recommend you to any student I have if they are in your area. Hope to meet you one day! Happy diving and take care!”
  • “I would like to say thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in a simple and easy way. it helped me alot on my study”

Increase your confidence

Each subject is taught in a very simple way. 

I’ve tried to avoid teaching in the same way as in PADI manuals. 

Hopefully you’ll like the way that it’s presented and that you’ll learn quickly too. 

This gives you a chance to see the information explained in a different way. 

  • Lot’s of videos
  • Hundreds of questions
  • Quizzes
  • Mock Exams for both Theory and Standards
  • Your confidence will soar as you progress

Very simple to use

You’ve probably realised that you have your own learning style.

Some people like to watch videos, others like to read books. 

Some like to go through every topic thoroughly before they try an exam.

It can be frustrating if someone tries to teach you in a way that doesn’t suit you. 

Whatever your style, this PADI IDC Theory Preparation course will suit you. 

PADI Dive Theory for Instructors

Step by step

It’s best to work through the course in order.

The lessons build on the previous information in a logical manner.

Find a quiet place to study where you won’t be interrupted.

Break down larger goals into manageable tasks.

Finally, it’s important to stay motivated.


By teaching we learn

The Roman philosopher Seneca is credited with the saying “by teaching, we learn.”

 The idea behind the saying is that the act of teaching helps us to better understand and remember the information that we are trying to impart.


During the video lessons, I often give tips on how you pass on the same information to others.

I do this for two reasons.

One is that you start to think of yourself as an Instructor. 
As, you learn, you can imagine teaching the same subject to others. 

There is evidence that you’ll learn faster if you learn and imagine teaching others at the same time.

You’ll be using both sides of the brain. 
The analytical side, and the active side.
This helps the knowledge to “Stick”

By teaching we learn

When we take the time to explain something to someone else, we are forced to really think about the material in order to make it understandable.

In doing so, we often uncover new nuances and insights that we would have otherwise missed.

In addition, explaining things to others helps us to ensure that we really know the material ourselves.

So next time you’re struggling to learn something new, try teaching it to someone else.

You just might be surprised at how much you learn in the process.

The second reason is that once you have passed your Instructor Exam, it will be much easier to teach others.

Your sub-conscious brain will be used to the fact that you’re teaching, and you’ll feel natural and confident.

Another reason why I give tips on how to pass the same information to others is because, I’m hoping that you’re not learning on your own. 

I’m hoping that you’re learning with someone else where you can bounce ideas of each other. 

You can sign up here.

The PADI IDC theory Preparation Course £64

Sign up for the course here: 
see you on the other side! 

How have you been learning so far?

Some people use PADI manuals, digital products or visit a PADI Instructor for help. 
Others look online for websites to help with Dive Theory. 

For many people these solutions help – but not everyone.

An alternative way to learn PADI IDC Dive Theory

Over the past 30 years, I found that many people just “don’t get it” when they learn theory in the traditional ways.  

They find that wherever they look, they get taught in the same way.

Everyone seems to teach using similar methods, and for them – it just doesn’t work. 


So, over the years, I’ve developed a different way to explain the subjects. A simpler way. A way that is easy for people who are confused by the traditional ways. 

So although this online course leaves nothing out, it explains subjects in a way that you might not have seen before. 

PADI IDC Theory Preparation schedule. New and updated for 2025

The video lessons are very friendly and understandable. 

After each video lesson there’s a quiz where you can make sure that you fully understand things before moving on. 

Nothing is missing. 
I’d be amazed if you can find a question on a PADI IDC or an IE that isn’t covered in this program. 
Both Theory and Standards are covered. 
I know that you’ll enjoy working through the program. 

curriculum 2024

Increase your knowledge

As you work through the quizzes, your confidence will rise. Not only confidence to pass exams, but also confidence to teach the lessons to others. 
You’ll find a lot of great teaching tips in amongst the videos. 

The PADI IDC theory Preparation Course is £64 (or equivalent in your currency)

Sign up for the course here: 
see you on the other side! 

Imperial and Metric Questions

EVERY question is in both Metric and Imperial. 
Whether it’s a quiz question or an exam question. 

Each topic is introduced with a metric example, but the questions and explanations are always in both. 

PADI Dive Theory for Instructors

Over 700 Questions in the PADI IDC Preparation Course

Take a look at this video that lays out the content of the course. 
Firstly you’ll see how the topics and lessons are structured.
Secondly you’ll see just how many lessons and questions there are. 
All quiz questions have a choice of four multi-choice answers, just like on PADI exams. You’ll be given a full explanation if you choose the wrong answer.

10 Full Mock PADI Exams

There are a total of 10 mock PADI exams.
5 Dive Theory and
5 PADI Standards.
All with the same content and format as the ones that you’ll find on your final PADI exams. 

OTHER online courses

Join Our Family!

The “Prior Knowledge Family” Facebook page is packed with like-minded people. Some are very experienced and some just starting out on the road to being a PADI pro. Everyone is friendly and willing to give help and advice.  Many of them  have done previous courses with me over the past 20 years.
They are all enthusiastic and passionate about helping others.
Please join us! You can give feedback on your PADI IDC and IE Preparation Course,  pick up tips, get advice and ask questions. It’s a very friendly group. 

PADI Dive Theory for Instructors

Steve Prior

Steve became a PADI Course Director back in October 2000. 
Over the years he developed many techniques that helped people pass PADI Dive Theory and PADI Standards exams.  

For example, his YouTube channel has over 5000 subscribers and over 450,000 views. And his Distance Learning program and online course helps people from all over the world  become confident with PADI exams.

Coaching Academy
In addition to teaching PADI Dive Theory and Standards, Steve has developed a Coaching Academy for PADI professionals, which focuses on natural ways for people to learn and to teach.

Platinum Award 
He has taught over 5500 PADI certifications and reached the prestigious “Platinum Status” for 12 consecutive years. You’ll see on the videos, he is just as passionate now as he ever was.

Last modified: 14th February 2025
Author: Steve Prior