2023 Changes for Dry Suit use in PADI Programs

What are the 2023 Changes to PADI Drysuit training? Here are 10 interactive questions to help you get to grips with the new standards.

Standards in the PADI Dry Suit Diver course,  Dry Suit Adventure Dive and the use of dry suits in all PADI programs have been updated

What are the new changes?

Well, instead of me telling you. How about a Quiz? 

I’m guessing that you’ve already seen some updates about this

– But how much do you actually know?

You can have fun guessing, and at the same time update yourself.

Be ready for your next course! 
Good luck!

PADI Dry Suit training

More Questions - Theory and PADI Standards

Test yourself here

Online Courses to help you progress

Your PADI IDC Guide to success. Online Courses

How did you get on?

I hope that helped! 
If you need more, both Q1 and Q2 Training Bulletins give lots of information.

Keep right up to date!

Lots of tips on how to teach scuba diving! 

This is a great resource for all PADI Instructors. Regardless of what level you are. 
Take a look to see what’s in my latest IDC Preparation Course.

FULL IDC Preparation Course

Online Full IDC Preparation Course

Perfect for teaching yourself as much as teaching others.

Despite it’s title, this is a very powerful course for PADI Instructors and Divemasters to improve their personal development. 

It covers theory and teaching new skills to divers. 

It covers important subjects like: 
Positive Coaching
Ownership of learning

Allowing people to learn

and lot’s of other wonderful topics. 
You can join the course by clicking on the picture, or you can find more information here about the Complete IDC Preparation course 

Tailor made sessions for individual PADI Instructors or Dive Centres