Pass PADI IDC written exams

How to ace PADI IDC exams

Simple PADI IDC Preparation ideas

Do you want to be an Instructor and need help with PADI Dive Theory?

With the right preparation and attitude you can ace it!

There’s a lot of material to cover when it comes to PADI Dive Theory, and for trainee Instructors it can be hard to know where to start.

Not only that, but the PADI Instructor exams can seem tough if you’re not prepared.

As a PADI Instructor, you are expected to have a thorough understanding of dive theory in order to effectively teach your students.

However, if you don’t have enough knowledge to pass a written Dive Theory exam, you may feel like you’re not up to the task.

Some common problems that you might face

If it’s been a long time since you were last in school, you might find it difficult to focus.

You might be one of those people who are far better at practical stuff (like diving!) than academics. 

It can be difficult to learn new things when you feel like your brain isn’t used to it anymore. 

It doesn’t help when everyone else around you seems to be flying through the course. 

Dive Physics is often the worse!

It seems to be full of mathematical formulas, seemingly unrelated to scuba diving.  

The written exams then seem to be a jumble of words. 

PADI Standards Exam

Not only Dive Theory. There’s also the PADI Standards exam to master. 

Although that’s not so bad. You need to be familiar with your PADI Instructor Manual, so t usually  just means getting a lot practice with mock exam papers. 

The more practice you get, the easier and quicker it is to pass the PADI Standards Exam,

Help is Here

I  know exactly what you need to know in order to pass your Dive Theory exams.

I have several solutions that you might find helpful.

I’m  here to help.

I’ve been a PADI Course Director for over 20 years and have taught hundreds of people to become PADI Divemasters and PADI Instructors. 

I’ve met many people who fall into the “confused” category.

The good news is that once the subjects have been explained in simple terms, and you’ve been given time to take it all in, then all of a sudden it doesn’t seem quite as complicated as before. 

From FREE videos, to my Distance Learning course.
Whatever your current level of knowledge, or whatever your learning style, you’ll find something here that will help.  You’ll be ready for anything the PADI IDC or IE throws at you.

1. FREE videos for PADI Dive Theory

Lots of help here. 

Physics, Physiology etc.

All the main suspects!!

All of these videos are taken from my Online Preparation course. 
But of course you get to see them for FREE. 

Take a look! 
There’s a lot there. Naturally not ALL of my course videos are here, but certainly a lot are. 
And of course if you find them useful, you might want to buy me a coffee to say thanks! 
I’d really appreciate that.

I’d appreciate it even more if you had something nice to say in the comments! 

2. Mock Exam Papers

Ok, you have to pay for these. 

(But not much!) They’re right up to date, so you’ll have to use your 2023 PADI Instructor Manual to find the newest PADI standards. 
It’s SO important for you to practice with realistic and up to date questions. 

Practice, Practice and then Practice some more! 
This is True Dive Theory for PADI Instructors!

Dive Theory AND Standards mock exams

Each individual set of exams is as near to a replica of your final PADI exams that I could find. 

Each exam includes 12 questions on each of the Dive Theory sections. 
And 50 questions on the very latest PADI Standards. 

You can buy one of 5 individual PADI mock exams over on the Buy me a Coffee site.  

Each individual set of exams is as near to a replica of your final PADI exams that I could get. 

I’m sure that when you get to your final Instructor Exam, you’ll find it very familiar! 

Each exam includes 12 questions on each of the Dive Theory sections. 
And 50 questions on the very latest PADI Standards. 

You can buy one of 5 individual PADI mock exams over on the Buy me a Coffee site.  

ALL FIVE sets for US $ 49

If you really want to prove to yourself that you’re fully up to speed with the latest PADI theory and the latest PADI Standards, 
Then click on this image to take you to the Test Papers. 
I suggest that you take one exam at a time. 
You can mark them yourself, with the Answer Key that’s included, and then brush up on weak topics before taking the next exam. 

By the time you’ve taken all 5 exams, you should be fairly confident that you’ll ace the actual PADI Instructor Exam.

There’s nothing like repetition to increase your confidence levels.  

Click the image for all 5 papers

Most people find this the ultimate PADI IDC Coures Study Guide  when it comes to mastering Theory and Standards exams.

PADI IDC Theory and Standards Preparation Course

This online course is perfect for you.

  • Explained in simple terms.
  • Jargon Busting sections!
  • Lots of practice exams.
  • Videos (not taught in the “PADI” way!)
  • Quizzes to help you understand.
  • The most “up to date” questions.
  • Standards questions based on 2023 PADI Instructor Exam.
  • All Standards exam questions found in 2023 version of PADI Instructor Manual.

If you have found traditional teaching difficult to understand, then this course is for you.

It’s packed with simple videos and quizzes to help you with any subjects that you find difficult.

I explain things in very simple terms. I try to break through the “jargon” and also give tips on how you can pass this information over to others. 

The Online Theory Preparation Course


All of the videos are here, followed by questions to check that you’ve understood.

Then of course ALL of the above mock exams are included. 

Plus LOTS more! 

Take a quick look at what’s inside

Dive Theory

Enrol here: click on picture
US$ 79 (or equivalent)

4. Distance Learning

This is where you and I work together via email. 

I will be your Personal Coach. 

The cost is US $ 120

Click on the picture to enrol. 

We use the Mock Exams mentioned above.

I’ll send them out to you one at a time. 
Send me your answers to the first exam, and I’ll mark it. 

I’ll then give you feedback, tips, hints and advice where needed and then I’ll send you the next exam. 

We’ll work through together focusing on your weaker areas and acknowledging your stronger areas.

That's it for now!

I hope that you’ve found this helpful. 

I know that you’ll be successful as long as you take your time, and find the right way for you to learn. 

More information on our online courses click here:

Dive Theory

Every subject, every topic explained in a fun way.

Over 700 questions including the Mock exams questions.

Enrol here: click on picture
US$ 79 (or equivalent)

PADI IDC theory

FULL PADI IDC Preparation Course

This course includes EVERYTHING from the Theory course PLUS how to teach in the pool.  

More details about this course here: 

Enrol here: click on picture
US$ 99 (or equivalent)

FULL IDC Preparation Course
Last modified: 10th January 2023
Author: Steve Prior