6 Golden tips on How to pass your PADI IDC - 2023

Pass your PADI IDC first time around.

Are you ready to pass your PADI IDC?

Your PADI IDC is a huge investment for you in both money and time.

It’s probably the most important diving course that you’ll ever take. 

Becoming a PADI Instructor will change your live, will change other peoples’ lives and will certainly help you in other areas of your life. 

Let’s make it the BEST course that you’ll ever take!  

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for your PADI IDC is to get comfortable with the PADI system and materials.

You should be familiar with all of the PADI manuals and products before you begin your IDC, as this will make the course much easier to follow.

All too often people attend their PADI Instructor Development Course without proper preparation, leading to frustration and late nights trying to catch up. 

6 Tips on how to pass your PADI IDC

6 Golden tips to give you confidence for your PADI IDC. There’s nothing worse than being unprepared for the most important dive course that you’ll ever take.
We’ll go through each section to help you along the way. 

Dive Theory

PADI Standards

Skill Demonstrations



Help is here

1. PADI Dive Theory

Dive theory is often the area that causes the most stress.

It isn’t as tricky as some like to make it out to be! 


As with everything else in life, practice and familiarity makes things so much easier. 

You just need to pace yourself and take one step at a time. 

Distance Learning course

PADI Dive Theory

  • Practice with the most up to date PADI questions that you can find
  • Answer as many questions as you can find
  • Get used to the latest PADI wording of questions
  • Get good advice and explanations in areas that you struggle with
  • You can practice by “teaching” other people. (by teaching we learn)
  • Get to understand the “Jargon” often associated with PADI questions
  • Get used to the latest PADI wording of questions
  • Get good advice and explanations in areas that you struggle with
  • You can practice by “teaching” other people. (by teaching we learn)
  • Get to understand the “Jargon” often associated with PADI questions
  • Make studying fun, by breaking it down into manageable chunks
  • Use your imagination to help you understand and remember things
  • Set goals for each study session
  • And finally relax and take your time, there are no stupid questions!
  • Keep an open mind, and be willing to learn new things.
  • Here you can buy 5 Full sets of Mock Exams

PADI diving theory is not as difficult as some people make it out to be.

The key is to practice with the most up-to-date PADI questions that you can find, and to get good advice and explanations in areas that you struggle with.

You can also make studying more fun by breaking it down into manageable chunks, setting goals for each study session, and using your imagination to help you understand and remember things.

2. PADI Dive Standards and Procedures

The PADI Standards and Procedures exam is required for all divers who want to become PADI dive instructors

In order to pass the PADI Standards and Procedures exam, you must have a thorough understanding of the PADI system of dive instruction.

The PADI Standards and Procedures exam is a multiple-choice exam, A score of 75% or higher is required to pass the exam.

The good news is that you don’t have to remember any of the PADI Standards off the top of your head. 

You can refer to your PADI Instructor Manual for all of the questions. 

Your main task is to know exactly where to look in your Instructor Manual to find the relative information. 

And that takes practice!

2. PADI Dive Standards and Procedures

As before – it’s much easier than you think!

  • You don’t need to know Standards off by heart!
  • You do need to know where to find Standards in the Instructor Manual
  • Only practice with the very latest PADI standards
  • Use the very latest version of the PADI Instructor Manual
  • Use the very latest version of PADI Guide To Teaching
  • The more that you know about PADI Standards, the more flexible you can be as a PADI Instructor
  • PADI standards are the basis for everything we do as instructors.
  • Understanding and following PADI standards is essential to providing quality scuba instruction.
  • PADI Standards are reviewed and revised on a regular basis. Keep up to date with the latest Standards.
PADI Theory Physics

How to pass your PADI IDC water skill assessments

3. PADI Dive skills demonstrations

Diving! this is the fun part!

Practice all of your dive skills in the pool when you can. 

You need to be ready to teach all 24 skills in the PADI skill circuit.

Prepare for your PADI IDC
  • Simply practice performing the skill
  • At this stage do NOT practice “demonstrating” the skill
  • Practice performing skills as a very competent Open Water diver would perform them
  • Perfect your buoyancy skills
  • Play around with weights to control your trim
  • Be ready to perform any skill well at any time 

Practice Briefings and Debriefings

4. Dive Briefings

Communication is SO important when you’re an instructor. 
Briefings are important to give people confidence, belief and encouragement in performing skills

Briefings should be short and suited to the needs of each student. 

The briefing is a very important part of any lesson. 
It’s important that your student knows exactly what’s ahead of them and what they need to do. 

FULL IDC Preparation Course
  • Try to imagine what you’d say to someone just before they perform a skill
  • What the skill is
  • Why they’re learning how to do the skill
  • How they will do the skill
  • When they’ll be expected to perform the skill
  • How the session will be organised
  • Any signals that might be used.

On your PADI IDC, your Course Director will give you a lot of guidance on how to deliver your Briefings, but it’s a good idea to prepare yourself beforehand. 

5. Dive Debriefings

Debriefings are important for a couple of reasons. 
1. to let people know how well they did

2. Give positive coaching to correct any problems the student had

  • Try to imagine how you would speak to a student once they had performed a skill
  • Remind them what they have achieved (what skill)
  • Remind them why they learnt the skill
  • Give them praise for things they did well
  • give them advice on how to avoid making any mistake

Once again the debrief should be short

How to pass your PADI IDC

6. All of the above explained in a fun and interactive way.

My FULL PADI IDC Preparation Course course is very popular and can help in so many ways. 

There are lots of videos, and lots of questions along the way. 
Also included is 5 full sets of Mock Exam papers covering both Dive Theory and PADI Standards. 

All with the same content and format as the exams that you’ll find on your final PADI Instructor Exam.


All online courses here:

A really easy and fun way to prepare for your PADI Instructor Development Course is to sign up to one of my Online Training courses specially designed to help you to Pass your PADI IDC

  • 20 years of experience in teaching PADI Instructors
  • Easy structure to simplify every subject
  • Real world value
  • Includes material from my “Advanced Teaching Academy” program
  • 3 programs to choose from
  • Right up to date with this year’s materials
  • Designed to work with the current PADI Instructor manual

Dive Theory

Every subject, every topic explained in a fun way. 100’s of questions. Mock exams.

Enrol here: click on picture
US$ 79


Pool & Class teaching

Briefings, De-briefings, Demonstrations.

The psychology of how people learn

Enrol here: click on picture
US$ 79

PADI Skills in Confined Water

Both Courses

Almost as if you’re watching Steve Prior teaching a full IDC. Best value!

Enrol here: click on picture

US$ 99

FULL IDC Preparation Course
Last modified: 10th January 2023
Author: Steve Prior